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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Thank You

Been talking with you, telling you how Tammy needs your help with her car. If there's anything you can do to help, please help her. she really needs it/you. Don't know what you could do or how you could do it, but if you can please do something to help her.

Then help comes, and it has to be from you. Because who it is.

Don't know yet if it will be bad news, good news, or a mixture, but help is coming and it's coming from your direction.

Thank you.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Another Year Without You

And we need you more than ever. Tammy needs you, Tracy needs you, I need you, and I'm sure your brothers and sisters think of you from time to time, and then this whole awful terrible Rexless reality slaps them in the face that they need not wonder what or how you are doing because you just aren't. I know Bo thinks of you often, because he is helping me in many ways.

So hard, this time of year. Last year was Niagara Falls.
This year was work, and 80 degree weather in friggin' mid-October.

I just hate yuou being gone...