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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Mountains in Your Life.

I get it now, better than I did back then. Now that I have been to the mountains on a visit to the mountains, I get it.
Why you always talked of going back.Why, even in the winding-down days of your life (but before your final illness) you even thought of moving there.

I'm glad I told you I would go.

What I don't understand is why you didn't and wouldn't go there more often than you did. I wish you had gone more often. There was rarely any big reason not to. Little reasons,m yes, but those could have been overcome.

That part, your not-going, I don't get at all. Probably just something in your make-up -- that is just the way you were.

I do wish I had pushed you a little harder about going. Now that I have gone deeper into the mountains, I feel that I somehow let you not have peace, serenity, and beauty in your last months and years.

I hope youy are enjoying those things now.