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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Fit to be... Fit for Anything: Not Quite Anything

Fit to be... Fit for Anything: Not Quite Anything: Well, my fitness goals have had to undergo a few adjustments. They are not being abandoned, nor are they to be deemed completely impossible...

Thoughtful Day

Tuesday was the anniversary of keeping the final promise.
It was also the anniversary of Max's funeral arrangements being made.

Two sad days; too close together.

Tammy turned 30 this year.
She has so much of you in her. Working and pushing through and getting things done and loving and driving and --- oh, so many ways.

Warren will be 5 soon. He's much more chatty these days and closer to where he should be verbally. But he reminds me of you, too. He has your eyes (only a different color) and your grin, and your mischief. He has your mechanical inclinations. I'm pretty sure in a few more years he'll look at a broken something and rattle off tool dimensions. He wont look at directions. He'll get frustrated and mess things up then put everything back.

Hailey is wearing Tammy's clothes now, at least sometimes. She's not yet 10. She's such a good kid. But I miss the little her, too.
Of course, I miss little Tammy and little Tracy, too.
Even little Jeanie.
That's life, I guess.

My health is pretty stable for now. I had a bad bad spell at the start of the month. Couldn't breathe, couldn't stay awake, couldn't even lie down. That was scary. I have to prop myself up when I first go to bed, and then sort of slip down into a flat or almost flat sleep position.
You probably know more about that than I did. It's really strange to not be able to rest by lying down.
To be suffocated by my own self.

That situation has gotten better, thanks to  a doctor who knows what he's doing. I'm basing that on the results for me. Not well, but much, much better.

(If anyone missed it and is wondering, I wrote about that here
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I miss you more as winter lingers.
I wish you could see these kids.
I wish you could watch Warren build, grow, and play.
I wish you could see our girls both still becoming women; becoming the best of both of us.

I wish I could see you.