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Monday, February 24, 2014

Warren is Explorin'

He's walking! He has been for a while, but he's beginning to get into it. His latest thing here is to step in and out of the kitchen-to-living-room doorway. There are the two curtains for one thing, and also a light/dark factor, since I keep the kitchen light out when he's here,  but most importantly, there's a step.

At first, every time he crossed, he had to get down on hands and knees. Then, he figured out he could hold onto the doorframe and step up, with one foot.
Then with two feet.
Then he didn't have to hold on any more.

This weekend he discovered he can step down, too!
After that, as you can guess, there was no holding him back. He crossed the kitchen to discover the bathroom.
In the bathroom, that's where we keep the wonderful magical bathtub!

The funniest thing is that if I pick him up and stand him on the scale, he will stand there and cry instead of stepping or even crawling off!
Silly boy!.

He's exploring with sounds, too.
Most of it is baby babbling, but Mom-mom-mom sometimes means Mom and Dadadadada often means Dad.
But Diddy is Sissy.
Mam sometimes means Mam (me)
Hay --ee is Hailey or Tracy.
I asked him if he was ready to eat, two different days, and he replied with "Num-num." That's outside his usual range of baby babbling, and was response to a question.
And he's got the four front teeth so he's biting and eating.

He's growing well, that boy is, but he's going to be a little one. Like his mommy was; like you were.
And he has your eyes. A different color, but the shape and clarity is uncanny.

And it makes me smile to see you again.

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