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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

So Sorry

for you -- me
Having difficulty keeping that last promise to you. Money is part of it, but the most frustrating part is from the other end -- authorities not co-operating. Makes me crazy; makes me want to scream and bash things. But, then again, maybe the delay is to help give me time to arrange the money get-together. That will be quite a trick since I haven't mastered yet getting enough money together to live beyond today. But it could be so.

Nothing is working out the way we thought it could. My last resort for myself (and Tracy) has become an even more unappealing option -- but that's the direction things are going.
It makes me crazy. I hate it. But if it's what must be, then it will be. I can't go around throwing out moochers so I can mooch.

Past of me wishes you could/would help, but the larger part of me wants you to know nothing of these problems. Not because of pride or any other deadly sin. Because I want you to be free from worries. Things here are to never ever ever cause you stress. I want you to be happy.

Be happy, be free, and be whatever-the-equivalent-is to breathing easy.
Love without worry.
Live without pain.

I will muddle through somehow.
I always do.

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