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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Needed You Today

I could have used your help. I slipped into a ditch taking Tracy to school. Same damn intersection that killed the blue car.
I know you couldn't have helped by pushing or pulling the car out, but you could have been a telephone help-call co-ordinator. We called several people, and waited.

Rescue came, and we reversed our trip and just came home.

Home to an empty house.

Oh, there's no one here to care that we made it, that we were safe, that we were back.
I wanted you to hold onto and to hold onto me.

Coming home to this empty house, trip after trip, is sometimes the hardest part of missing you. Sometimes I don't go, because I don't want to come home to the empty places.

If you were here, you would probably have felt frustrated and helpless, but just being able to make phone calls would have been a big help.
Just being here to welcome us home, to care that we were there, would have been a big help.

But, it's not that way, and will never be that way again.
All we can do is miss you.

And that we do. Every day.

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